
How I Learned to Love Myself: 5 Powerful Tips on Self-Love

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I had always believed in the power of making sacrifices for others. I observed this with my parents, who didn’t get along so well but decided to stick with each other while we, their kids, were still dependent on them. I saw how difficult it was for both of them. Their children were their top priority like most parents do. However, I saw how they struggled. I knew, not because I observed it, but also because they were very open with me about their feelings. They forgot that I was still young to understand them deeply, but I listened every time they shared and asked questions. I think they appreciated it.

As an outcome, unfortunately, I became scared and untrusting. I could tell how difficult it was for my previous relationships to deal with me because I was difficult. I had so many assumptions about the other person to the point of paranoia. I never trusted words and often was critical even over good actions shown. I would always get hurt by the spite of their words, and there were times by how physical they could get. However, I’d stick to the relationships for as long as possible because I believed it was my way of showing love at that time. I sacrificed my happiness and their freedom because it was my only language of love. In the end, I got tired, stuck in huge debts, and broke not by my doing; I also lost my business, my work got impacted badly, and worst, I have had a series of wrong decisions. It was not healthy at all, physically and mentally. I developed eating and sleeping disorders. I was always depressed because I knew, in my mind and heart, that I wasn’t doing it right and wasn’t caring and loving myself.

My solution was to only engage in a commitment with myself and not with others. I just focused on how I could fix my messed up life, be a better person for myself and others, and please God. I locked myself up for a day, had music on, candles lit, had a pen and notebook in my hand and just listed down what I wanted to achieve in my life. I identified what I needed to stop doing and start doing. I meditated through prayers. I talked to God. I spoke loudly so I could hear myself too. I cried. I cried long and hard. To society’s standard, I was insane that day, but truthfully it was the best day of my life as I found my mission (for which I am writing a book).

I started reading all the self-help books I could grab. A few of my favorites were: “The Alchemist” by Paolo Coelho, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell, “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren, etc. I also started writing down my thoughts in a small notebook I’d carry around daily. It helped me capture great views and realizations and the negative thoughts that sometimes pop into my head. I read the Bible daily, and I’d pray first that He talks to me, and I’d reach for it every morning before I’d go my daily grind. I often go to coffee shops or parks to watch people and observe my thoughts and write them down. I love having chats with anyone also interested in talking about life, science, and spirituality. I learned how to sketch, which led to my leadership blog (Leadership Project), where I would draw portraits of the leaders I featured with a blog about how they lived their lives and inspired others.

Music healed me. I told a dear friend who had a daughter that if there is anything she could teach her daughter to survive the challenges of the future, it would be to (1) learn how to pray and (2) learn music or art. Something about art and music that will help you forget the noisy and harsh world and learn to focus on one beautiful thing. It always comforts and warms the heart. I learned chords on the keyboard. I remember I bought a very cheap keyboard with lousy sound quality, but it got me through the sad days.

I was the happiest when I had God, writing, music, family, chosen friends, and myself. I began to know myself more and stopped trying to be someone else. I began to appreciate myself. I started discovering more about what I could do, which made me truly happy. I have summarized my tips below, and I hope they will help you.


You are not perfect. You can never be. That is not how you were designed to be. If you commit mistakes, know that it is a milestone. You committing a mistake leads to a new horizon in your brain, knowing what you know now from your error. Be patient with yourself. Nobody will but you. You are a work in progress. You have to accept that you were wrong and know why you were wrong and how you are going to change it. Abraham Lincoln ran for the senate twice and congress twice but didn’t win until he ran for president. He was one of the great leaders the United States of America ever had. Your time will come, and while we are still waiting for the moment, we sharpen our saw. Know that the key learning you gathered will benefit other people if you share it. People no longer need to experiment; you have been there and can tell your story and spare them from committing the same mistake.


During my high school years, I was blessed to be close to one of the nuns at school. I adored her so much. I would go to her after school, and we’d either practice songs or talk with my close classmates. One afternoon she told me someone had hurt her, and it was sad. I quickly asked, “why didn’t you get mad?” Her answer shocked me and remained with me forever. She said that getting angry will not change the situation, but what can heal her is to spare herself from getting sore, as it is stressful. It struck me as it was new to me. I had seen my father and teachers getting mad at our mistakes, so I thought it was the proper reaction when someone had done wrong.

In college, while in my Physiology class, I learned that strong emotions are stressful to the body, and stress is the number one cause of many illnesses we know, like cancer. If we love ourselves and value our health, we must first breathe and exhale all the negative emotions in our bodies. Air provides oxygen to your brain and allows you to think clearly. Try to understand where the other person is coming from. Try to understand what led to the mistake. If you get angry at someone, you may break the person instead of building the person up.


Knowing your purpose allows you to fine-tune your focus and also helps you avoid experimenting with many things when you can just put your time and energy into 1, 2, or 3 things you are passionate about. Knowing your purpose will pave the way to a greater appreciation and gratitude for the life you live. You feel that you belong to this world and that you matter.

How I Learned to Love Myself 5 Powerful Tips on Self-Love

Try to see what you are good at. It is something that you love to do and that you’re happy to be able to do for the rest of your life. However, life is not only about your life but more about the energy you live for others. Given your interest, you ask yourself how others can benefit from it. Do you make them happy or inspire them to find and pursue their purpose? Do you help them hone the skills relevant to their job?

You will feel fulfilled and happy knowing that you can help. It is the best feeling ever, and this bliss is the greatest gift you can give yourself.


The beauty of owning your purpose is that you will have a deeper understanding of why you live your life the way you do now. You will want to change what you need to change to achieve your purpose. The truth is that someone will always be greater or lesser than you, but even that can be subjective. If I want to achieve a minimalist life, then more excellent would mean having less! Spare yourself from detrimental feelings like jealousy or envy, greed, and depression; focus on yourself and what you were born for.

I remember one conversation with my father in my younger years when I told him I wanted to be a scientist. He said not everyone could be doctors or scientists. Someone has to till the land and plant food for people. Someone has to sweep the city streets or defend the country from enemies. He was right. We can’t be all superstars. However, we have heard stories of people living poor lives but were rewarded for their outstanding contributions to society. This is what matters the most. This is what life is all about. Your calling is unique, and the only measure of your success is how you define success.

How I Learned to Love Myself 5 Powerful Tips on Self-Love


Retreats help you pause from the buzz of life and stay in a place where there are people who can guide you in assessing how your life has been and then heal the wounds that came along with it. Just be in a quiet place to pray, heal and love again. Every time I came back to the real world from my retreat, I felt as if I was reborn and that another updated version of me had come out.

How I Learned to Love Myself 5 Powerful Tips on Self-Love

You can search online about the schedules of retreat programs in the retreat houses near you. Take one every year or one in two years. Also, search for leadership programs that focus on self-leadership. This is the best investment you could give yourself. Learning is lasting, cannot be stolen, and flourishes through time.


Self-worth was something I struggled with. It was difficult for me to share my light with people because of fear of judgment. I found this quote and Bible verse that gave me strength.

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. MATTHEW 5:16

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

I have been blessed to be married to someone excellent but was in a wheelchair then, who used to be a successful engineer and had many aspirations and things he wanted to create and share but couldn’t because of limited mobility. He made me realize that I have an able body, so I must optimize my capacity. Then, I started blogging, sharing music with people, and creating content for my YouTube Channel, Projects by Fran, so that I could share my light and my Creator is glorified.

How I Learned to Love Myself 5 Powerful Tips on Self-Love

I hope this helps you. God is faithful.

Check out this video I made.


Published by Fran SRdD

Fran Saguindang Riego de Dios, MS has been in training and leadership development for 20 years now. She's the Founder & CEO of Fraoel Consulting. She earned her Masters degree in Biology and eventually explored the corporate world (specifically in the BPO industry). While she runs her own consulting business, part-time, she is also a corporate leader in one of the biggest players in the BPO industry in the Philippines. She was awarded one of the Most Talented Training & Development Leaders in the Philippines 2019 during the 14th Employer Branding Awards by Employer Branding Institute. Her first book "5 Whys to Discover Your Purpose: A Life Journal" and her 2nd book "The Uncomfortable Truth About Leading People - Leadership Lessons" were published independently. Visit Books Project to learn more. Fran likes to use her science background to help leaders understand their people more and help them grow. She also enjoys art and music. And all her original music are available on Spotify and Apple Music. Her Project by Fran Podcast is on Spotify too. You may also visit her personal Leadership Blog Site, Leadership Project. Take also some of her FREE Online Courses here, Fran SRdD University.

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